The Chronicles of an Unknown Teenager-3

3 July 2012

Life is totally giving me the hardball at the moment, and the part that matters is, I’m not liking anything about it. I’m pretty much annoyed with everything..somehow. I really can’t tell you the reason cause I’ve been trying to figure it out myself. Maybe I do, but you know, I’m a dumb kid. You start rejecting everything once you change your views about the way things work with you. People may disagree, but hell no. I am not happy with my life.

There are somethings that just happen, and you don’t really know the reason behind those events. Life really enjoys screwing around with me.


The Chronicles of an Unknown Teenager-2

25 May 2014

My vacations are going on at the moment and everything is so depressing. The only thing that stirred up some excitement in our house was my ‘End of the Year Final Result’, which of course didn’t last long at all because my Grade Point Average was only 7.0… I’m not really bothered about my grades. I mean who cares? This only shows what I did last year! It doesn’t reflect what I’m doing this year and this time, I really am hitting the books. I mean it. But, no matter how much I want, mom and dad won’t stop whining about my grades. They’ve been on with the lecture about my ‘poor efforts’ ever since the results came out. It’s been 3 days! Freaking move on already!

I don’t know what to do, there is nowhere to go. No support from anyone. I’m so lonely now. The good thing is, that I’m not all alone. I’m accompanied by the ever quiet feeling of loneliness. So much suffering, just because of some grades that doesn’t matter to anyone. It should matter to me, but since it isn’t, who else cares? Mom and dad keep fighting for reasons I can’t fathom. Maybe my grades have got something to do it. They’re probably trying to blame each other for my terrific grades.

The whole ‘results’ thing is really getting to me. Fate, as usual, is playing games with me. I feel cut off from this world but then again, I never really did connect to it did I?


The Chronicles of an Unknown Teenager

20 May 2012

This is my third diary. And I have promised myself that I will not burn or tear this one like the other two before this. I want this diary to be remembered. No one knows what I’ll end up doing, where I will be in the future and in what circumstance I will be in.

Life has taken a weird turn, everything is as if life is controlling me whereas the exact opposite should happen. I have lost the feeling. The feeling you get when you know that you’re a good person. The standout among the cruel people around you. I feel too guilty these days. Perhaps, it has something to do with my career. School sucks. I’m dragging myself to school everyday. I somehow manage to sit in my classes. I don’t know what’s going on. This ever-growing feeling of helplessness.

Whatever it is, it isn’t good. I wonder what plans life has made for me, for even I don’t know my own fate.


Life Is Not About Waiting For The Storm To Pass, It’s About Dancing In The Rain

There is a saying that goes around out here, ‘we’re only human’. The one and only reason we say it is because, we know that we are vulnerable. We feel fear which in turn makes us feel weak and well, we end up underestimating ourselves and end up failing at things we could’ve very well succeeded at. Why do we get the feeling of vulnerability? Is it because there are people out there who are better than us? Is it because we might get outclassed by somebody else? Or, is it because we don’t want to face the rocks and boulders that life throws at us on the path we follow?

Life doesn’t work within the rules we make for ourselves, the lines and boundaries we draw. The limits we set for ourselves and life definitely doesnt’t play fair. It never does. However, that is where the true beauty lies.


There are days when life throws us off guard. Pushes us down. Makes us feel so terrible and helpless that all we want to do is huddle up in our rooms and cover ourselves with the lucky blanket that makes us feel better whether we’re going through a bad relationship problem, dealing with our work stress or whatever the problem is. But, there is something most of us miss out. Instead of avoiding our problems why not stand up to it? Why not face the problem itself? Honestly, it saves us a lot of time and definitely deals with the extra worry we build up while travelling the rough road. When life throws us the hard ball, we always have the option to stand back up and prove ourselves worthy of the challenge. The strength and courage we need lies within us. We only need to be strong enough to see it.

Life will play games with us and we won’t even know about it, but how can we forget the rainbow after the storm? The key is to face all the debris hurled upon us. Face all the difficulties and dance to its tune. It is during such times, that we have the opportunity to strengthen ourselves. We will be scared and worried about what may come. We will feel fear. But, fear isn’t evil. It tells us what our weakness is. And once we know our weakness, we can be stronger as well as kinder.

By the time it is all over. We rediscover ourselves. We find something new in ourselves. Find a new way to see the world around us and perceive things differently. Needless to say, we rediscover the things we lost in ourselves.

Sometimes, when the going gets too hard, it’s important to say to ourselves that we’re stronger than what life is giving us right now and when it’s over, we’re going to be even stronger.


Everything we face in life changes us in some way. Always for the better irrespective of the direction we’re heading. There is no end to learning. Even though, life often presents us with a problem, it is valuable. Not because it’s God gifted or something. But, because it ends. It doesn’t go on forever. Even if we don’t get something in life that we’ve always wanted, what better way is there to live than to strive for those things?


The 2°Apology!

Hey guys.

Saswata here!

It’s been a really long time! It’s been ages since we last posted something. This is our second post on redemption or third if you count the last post by Navneet.

Well, this is a very crucial time for the both of us. This is one of those times in Indian High Schools where we have to include 10 hours of study in our daily routine. A very vital and fragile time for all students in 12th Grade out here, unless you’re some sort of a genius with Tony Stark level intelligence.

While most of us break blood and sweat in our Physics books and the awful lot of Biology books, I contemplated. I kept myself engaged with a constant thread of thought. The kind of thought where you put all your consciousness into. I kept thinking about what I really wanted to do with the rest of my life. I’m 19 years old, I’ve got a long way to go. While my parents want me to continue Medical Science after I graduate from school, I have different plans for myself.

Me and Navneet created this blog with the idea of writing about the darker and deeper aspects about society, personal issues, emotions and well, life as a whole. We too are humans, we will falter, but we will always stand up again. To make up for the lack of content, I personally decided to post something new that I’ve been through this long period of absence every two or maybe three days. Try to have collaborations with other people, we already do. They’re called ‘From Guest Writers‘. Go check out their blog, it’s amazing. They put up great content about views on life, just to mention a bit.

During this long gap, I’ve sorted out myself and what I really want to do in life. Read a lot of books, got new ideas for my novel(which I’m still writing by the way) and figured out what matters to me. Hopefully, we’ll share everything on ‘The Mystic Sandbox’.

Another thing that I’ve been wanting to tell you guys was about the name of our blog. Most people I know around me ask how we came up with the name of the blog. It was very random actually. Me and Navneet were on the phone trying to figure out a name when an idea suddenly struck my mind. I told her to speak up random words and I’d do the same. The idea was simple to find the right combination of words which made sense and well, had a ring to it. We ended up with the current name of our blog! Well, apparently, in China or Japan, I think it was China, people used to write in the sand. That’s how I ended up with ‘SandBox’.

Anyway, thank you for reading and once again, sorry for the inactive period. Everyday is a new beginning. We’re going to try to get more followers. Share the link of our blog if you like what you’ve read so far and we hope you contine reading our content and supporting us with praises and criticisms.

Thank You!



Let’s get this straight. It isn’t being a blogger. And specially when you’ve set your posting goal to “once-a-week”! Yeah. Irony. (Since we post after nearly two months)

When we started with this blog,nearly a year ago; I was brimming with amazingly new ideas to write about and certainly wanted these thoughts of mine to be read. I am sure same was the case with Saswata too. But there are  nearly 152 million blogs and an equal number of bloggers who write about more or less the same stuff. I found myself lost in this huge crowd.

Nearly every night we text each other,literally pestering the other to post something ( Yes. This blog is run by two lazy ass-es who love to postpone and put the blame on the other). Saswata has pretty good following. People read what he writes. I am rarely acknowledged. No,not the slightest hint of jealousy. Its ‘our’ blog, after all.

Am I ranting about people not reading my posts? Oh no! There were some unsaid settlements, the unsaid rules about the content that we would not post. Ranting was definitely a big No-No! But as an Indian teenager of 17,one simply cannot stop ranting about things that one goes through everyday. So yes,I know Saswata would call me as soon as he reads this and used words,incredibly difficult for me to understand, to describe this post. After all, the blog was never supposed to be the “Dear diary” bullshit. ( PS: Did you know he did not let me post a horror story that I wrote simply because it is not what we are “supposed” to post on The Mystic Sandbox)

Yes,I cannot write in an incredible English like many bloggers we follow, my vocabulary sucks (Bad language. I know. Can’t help), I can’t click mesmerizing pictures that beautify the blogs of many nor can I write about political developments in the country and my opinion about them. But,yes I can write. I can write as much as I like. Because this is my blog- our blog “The Mystic Sandbox”.

Its just a beginning. It was a vague idea. It has taken shape. We’ll strive to make it the best. Yes we will.

Cheers 🙂Image


Look Up and See the World Around You

I have 509 friends on Facebook, but I still feel lonely. I see what they do everyday yet I barely know them. In this Global Neighborhood, we share and post everything we see, hear and experience. We have somehow managed to convince ourselves of the illusion that updating everything we do will get us connected to everyone around us. But hey, life your head from your screens and look around you. You’re alone.


Instead of shutting the doors behind you and fixing your eyes at an invention created by a person who measures wealth by financial assets, go out and enjoy the set number of days God has gifted you.


I sometimes walk by the park where I grew up playing with a lot of other kids. I always seem to get caught off guard by my surprising emotions when I see the Monkey bars, Swings and the Slide that we kids were so fond of completely empty. Instead, I see a small group of children around the corner fiddling with their dazzling new iPhones.


Let me tell you a story, a story about a man who found love in the most unlikely way.


He was looking for the grocery store. He had just moved in to his new house. For an hour he searched, went here and there and even stumbled across the city park but to no avail did he find the store he was looking for. Confused and disheartened he sat down on one of the benches in the park.

Another hour passed swiftly as he fixed his gaze at the clouds that were flying above him so elegantly. “Hi!” said the woman as she sat down next to him. “My name’s Martina, you new here? I’ve never seen you before.” Delighted at seeing someone he introduced himself as Tony. They struck up a conversation and he somehow managed to ask where the store is. “Hey, you know where the grocery store is? I’ve been looking for a while” he asked. “I sure do, how about I walk you there?” she replied.


And the stars of love shined upon them from that day. They met frequently until they stepped together in the same house.


They saw their daughter fly away from the nest and come back with a grandson for then to hold.


On her final night, she lay on her bed holding her husband’s hand and said softly “I’m glad I met the man sitting on the bench who got lost looking for the store so many years ago.” She smiled and before he could say anything she silently slipped away into an eternal bliss.


Now see the story from a different perspective. Say, Tony had a smartphone in his hand. He would’ve simply used the GPS to look for the store he was looking for. He would’ve never come across the park and would probably never meet his soul mate.


We’re so busy looking down at our screens that we don’t know what we’re missing out around us. Shut down your screens and relish the finite number of days you have. For we only live once.

I too have fallen victim to this madness. I’ll end here, so shut down your screen and lock away your phone, tablet or laptop.

The world awaits you.

Peace Out.

Saswata Mitra


One Day…

One day She’ll know what it means

When they ask her to behave;

To eat right,wear right and

occasionally  to breathe with that

Appurtenant rhythm.


One day She’ll figure out what it is

The perfect hair,speech and skin;

and that what masterstroke they expect

from this black sheep

when she herself is oblivious

to the colours that co exist with hers.


One day  She’ll make out

How much red gives the perfect pink;

but for now , she would just have to

let each drop drip.


One day She’ll know how to give away

the dash of rainbow;

to embrace the vermillion.


One day She’ll gather all those pieces

and her words would make sense;

till then she’ll just

dance to the unfounded rhythm of them.

And she’ll know one day

Her wings were never meant to fly

She’ll never dare to feel

The direction of the wind that moves through them.


Or maybe one day “They” will accept her uniqueness;

One day She’ll find her paradise.

One day…


A Glimpse At My Library

Hey guys.

I was working on my book the other day when I just looked up at my bookshelf.
I don’t know how or why, but I got this crazy idea of sharing my bookshelf with you guys.
So here it is..
Hope you guys like it!
Let us know what you feel about this picture in the comments section below!

Peace Out.


A Glimpse At My Library