One Day…

One day She’ll know what it means

When they ask her to behave;

To eat right,wear right and

occasionally  to breathe with that

Appurtenant rhythm.


One day She’ll figure out what it is

The perfect hair,speech and skin;

and that what masterstroke they expect

from this black sheep

when she herself is oblivious

to the colours that co exist with hers.


One day  She’ll make out

How much red gives the perfect pink;

but for now , she would just have to

let each drop drip.


One day She’ll know how to give away

the dash of rainbow;

to embrace the vermillion.


One day She’ll gather all those pieces

and her words would make sense;

till then she’ll just

dance to the unfounded rhythm of them.

And she’ll know one day

Her wings were never meant to fly

She’ll never dare to feel

The direction of the wind that moves through them.


Or maybe one day “They” will accept her uniqueness;

One day She’ll find her paradise.

One day…


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